2176 0906570000 tradeunion@cbe.com.et


Our Services


The central objective of the Union is to negotiate terms and conditions of work for its members with bank and watch out the proper enforcement of the negotiation results- mainly the Collective Agreement. Thus, if any member needs any work-place related legal advice the Union provides the same through its professional “Legal Advice "or through other officials free of charge. Moreover, if any representative is hurt because of his/her Union representation, the Union goes up to paying his/her monthly salary for one year, and hires prosecutor to deal with the issue representing the victim.


1. Patient visit:- the Union’s representatives visit a member who is hospitalized 2. Fell-up Salary During Sick:- fulfilling a member’s salary deducted due to longer sick leave 3. Oversea Treatment:- support when a member is referred to abroad for medical treatment 4. Overtake sick leave is a support provided when a member salary is being deducted due to longer sick leave 5. Detention:-Support if a member is imprisoned for any reason 6. Suspension:- support if a member is suspended from work for any reason 7. Termination:-Support based on service year at the bank, when a member terminates his/her contract with the bank upon owns interest or, when the bank fired the member for any reason 8. Pensioned:- Financial and certificate awards when a member and a manager gets retired from the bank 9. Disaster: - Support if a natural or manmade ruin encountered a member or family or property 10. Deceased:-at the end if a member dies, the union pays for funeral expenses or grants money to heiress


The Union provides financial grants for employees’ clubs at all level from its own budget at every five years based on their population & temperature of the town in which they are in; and the Unionadministers the budget yearly allocated from the bank in the way it benefits employees properly.


HEALTH RELATED SUPPORT The union in collaboration with the bank collects contribution from the bank’s community and relocates the fund to victim employees or their families as a result of HIV/AIDS, Cancer, accident or any other severe damages.

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